Storz E2002 S - Advanced Coating Solution by Dust Devil Coatings

Feb 23, 2018
Choose the Right Polyurethane Wheel

Superior Performance and Protection

Introducing the Storz E2002 S, a cutting-edge coating solution designed and developed by Dust Devil Coatings. This revolutionary product sets new industry standards with its exceptional performance and unmatched protection.

Unleash the Power of Storz E2002 S

The Storz E2002 S is meticulously engineered to provide outstanding durability and longevity. This state-of-the-art coating offers superior resistance against various environmental factors, including corrosive substances, UV radiation, extreme temperatures, and abrasion.

Featuring a proprietary formula, the Storz E2002 S creates a robust and impenetrable barrier on the applied surface. This barrier acts as a shield, protecting the substrate from damage caused by moisture, chemicals, and other external elements. With this cutting-edge coating, you can extend the lifespan of your equipment or infrastructure, reducing maintenance costs and increasing productivity.

Key Features of Storz E2002 S

  • Unrivaled durability and longevity
  • Outstanding resistance against corrosion, UV radiation, extreme temperatures, and abrasion
  • Excellent adhesion to various surfaces, including metals, plastics, and composites
  • Flexible coating that can accommodate substrate movement and expansion
  • Quick and easy application process
  • Environmentally friendly formulation

Benefits for Your Business

By choosing the Storz E2002 S coating, you unlock a multitude of benefits for your business:

Enhanced Equipment Performance

The Storz E2002 S provides an additional layer of protection to your equipment, ensuring longer service life and optimal performance. It shields your machinery from degrading factors, such as rust, chemical corrosion, and wear and tear.

Cost Savings

Investing in the Storz E2002 S can significantly reduce maintenance costs in the long run. Its durable nature eliminates the need for frequent repairs or replacements, saving your business valuable resources and time.

Increased Productivity

With a longer equipment lifespan and reduced downtime, your business can operate more efficiently and maximize productivity. The Storz E2002 S allows you to focus on core operations without worrying about premature equipment failures and associated delays.

Minimized Environmental Impact

As an environmentally friendly coating, the Storz E2002 S aligns with sustainable business practices. It contains no harmful substances and its application process minimizes waste generation, contributing to a greener future.


The Storz E2002 S is versatile and can be applied to various industries and sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Manufacturing and fabrication
  • Automotive and transportation
  • Construction and infrastructure
  • Aerospace and aviation
  • Marine and offshore
  • Energy and utilities

Whether you need to protect heavy machinery, structural components, pipelines, or other assets, the Storz E2002 S is the ultimate solution to ensure longevity and reliability.

Trust Dust Devil Coatings for Quality Solutions

As a leading provider of premium coating solutions, Dust Devil Coatings prioritizes quality, innovation, and customer satisfaction. We have a team of skilled professionals who are committed to delivering exceptional products that meet the highest industry standards.

When you choose the Storz E2002 S, you're not just investing in a coating. You're investing in the success and longevity of your business.

Contact Dust Devil Coatings today to learn more about our advanced coating solutions and how the Storz E2002 S can benefit your specific needs. Trust us to provide you with the ultimate protection for your valuable assets.

Zoltan Mitlik
Impressive coating solution, top-notch!
Nov 8, 2023